27 Ways Successful Small Businesses Use the Internet

Discover the power of internet marketing for small businesses with our in-depth guide. This article unveils 27 actionable strategies to boost your online presence, engage customers through social media, and leverage digital tools for growth. Essential reading for small business owners seeking to navigate and excel in the digital marketing landscape.

Internet for small business

In this digital age, a compelling online presence is crucial for you and your small business.

A well-designed website acts as your digital storefront, attracting and engaging customers. SEO optimization ensures your business appears prominently in search results, increasing visibility. Additionally, harnessing online analytics tools provides valuable insights into customer preferences, allowing you to tailor your offerings and marketing strategies effectively.

In this article, you’ll learn how small business internet marketing can boost your venture, increase sales, improve brand recognition, and connect with customers.

Leverage small business internet marketing

Wondering how to market your business online? Internet marketing is a powerful tool for small businesses to increase visibility and attract customers.

Here’s how you can leverage the internet effectively:

1. Comprehensive digital marketing

Outline a multi-faceted approach to digital marketing, covering SEO, content marketing, email marketing, and social media strategies. Explain how each element contributes to a cohesive online presence.

2. Utilize a mix of digital marketing strategies

Diversify your online marketing efforts. This includes content marketing (blog posts, articles, videos), email marketing (newsletters, promotions), and social media marketing. Essentially, content designed for the purpose of driving traffic to your website. Each of these channels serves a different purpose and reaches different segments of your audience.

3. Building and sustaining brand awareness

You should always consistently share your brand story across all online platforms and social media channels. This doesn’t just create brand recognition; it builds a community around your brand. But it’s okay to perform better on some platforms over others. See our tips on maximizing your presence on social media below.

4. Mastering targeted advertising

Platforms like Google Ads and social media advertising allow you to target specific demographics. With these tools, you’re able to reach people most likely to be interested in your products or services.

5. Measuring success

Discuss the importance of tracking and analyzing online marketing efforts. Emphasize using analytics to understand audience behavior, refine marketing strategies, and improve ROI.

6. Ongoing adaptation

Stress the need for continuous adaptation in digital marketing strategies to keep pace with evolving trends, platforms, and customer expectations.

Utilize digital tools and online services for small business growth

In this section, we’ll delve into how the integration new technologies online can change the trajectory of your business.

7. Revolutionizing business with digital tools

The integration of cloud-based services and e-commerce platforms has transformed traditional business operations. These tools enable enhanced data management, operational efficiency, and global customer reach.

Choose online services that align with your business goals. Key tools include cloud accounting for financial management and project management software for team coordination. Consider new, advancing AI marketing tools to take you to the next level.

8. Grow with digital marketing analytics

Leverage digital marketing to expand your audience and use analytics tools for data-driven business decisions. Implement CRM systems for effective customer engagement and tailored marketing strategies.

9. Finding the right partner aligned with your business goals

EarthLink provides a range of services such as domain registration, website development, website security, reputation management, SEO, and custom branding, which are critical in establishing and maintaining your online presence.

By choosing EarthLink for these essential services, we can ensure a robust, secure, and effective online presence, backed by reliable support and expert guidance. This strategic partnership can significantly contribute to achieving your business goals in the digital realm.

You're all about making connections.
Connect with the right internet plan that boosts your business mojo.

Choose the right internet connection for small business

Picking the right internet is crucial for small businesses as it affects daily operations and future growth. Knowing your needs and available connections is key to keeping your business connected and competitive.

10. Evaluating your internet requirements

Assess your business’s specific internet needs, including speed for seamless operations, bandwidth for multiple devices, and reliability for uninterrupted service. This understanding is crucial for efficient online activities like cloud computing and video conferencing.

11. Choose the right type of connection

When selecting an internet connection for your small business, understanding the different types available and their suitability for your specific needs is crucial.

  • Fiber Optics: This is the go-to choice for businesses requiring the highest speed and reliability. It’s especially useful for heavy internet activities such as large file transfers and video conferencing.
  • Wireless: Wireless connections offer flexibility and are easier to set up, making them ideal for businesses with moderate internet needs or in locations where wired connections are challenging.
  • Fixed Broadband: A reliable and cost-effective option for urban-based businesses, providing a balanced solution in terms of speed and affordability.

12. Selecting the ideal provider

Research and compare internet service providers. Look for those offering tailored solutions for small businesses, with competitive pricing, robust customer support, and scalability to grow your business.

13. Why consider EarthLink for your business internet

EarthLink stands out as a provider offering tailored internet solutions designed for small businesses. Get the speed, reliability, and cost-effectiveness billing you’re looking for.

With EarthLink, you benefit from exceptional customer support, geared specifically towards small businesses. Get the flexibility to scale your internet services as your business grows, ensuring you’re always equipped for success.

Maximizing social media for business

To effectively promote your business on social media, understanding and leveraging the unique opportunities each platform offers is key. Here’s how you can utilize social media to increase your business’s online visibility and engagement, helping you connect with your audience:

14. Choosing the right platforms

The best social media for small business is one that’s updated consistently and reaches your potential audience. If you can do one or two social media platforms well, it pays off to invest more effort, content, and interaction on those sites.

Your audience should see you on social media, but really get to know you on the platforms where you excel. Determine which social media platforms are most frequented by your target audience. Focus your efforts on these platforms to maximize engagement and reach. For more tips on how to choose a social media platform, check out our post here.

15. Developing a content strategy

Create a content calendar to plan and organize your social media posts. Mix promotional content with engaging, informative, and interactive posts to keep your audience interested and engaged.

16. Building relationships

Use social media to build relationships with your customers. Respond to comments, participate in conversations, and create community-focused initiatives.

17. Targeted advertising

Leverage the advanced targeting features of social media platforms for advertisements. This allows you to reach specific demographics, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

18. Collaborations and influencer marketing

Partner with influencers or other businesses to expand your reach. Choose collaborators who align with your brand values and have an engaged audience.

19. Analyzing and adapting

Regularly analyze the performance of your social media activities. Use these insights to refine your strategy, focusing on what works best for your audience and business goals.

Ready to grow online?
Reach your audience, get found, boost your brand, and manage your reputation with ease.

Online business tips for beginners

When it comes to the internet and business, small business owners will tell you there’s a learning curve. To speed up your acclimation and understanding, here are some key tips to keep in mind when forming your online business.

20. Laying the foundations

Develop a solid business plan focusing on online operations. This includes defining your target market, establishing your unique selling proposition, and outlining your digital marketing strategy.

21. Creating a strong digital footprint

A professional website is your digital storefront. Ensure it is user-friendly, accessible, mobile-optimized, and SEO-optimized to rank well on search engines. For tips on how to design a great website for your business, click here.

22. Embracing e-commerce

For businesses selling products, setting up an e-commerce platform or online store is essential. Choose a user-friendly platform that integrates well with your website and offers secure payment options.

23. Customer service in the digital age

Develop a strong online customer service strategy. Utilize chatbots for quick responses and consider support ticket systems for efficient issue resolution.

24. Learning and adapting

Stay informed about digital trends and continuously adapt your strategies. Online courses, webinars, and industry blogs are great resources for ongoing learning.

25. Networking and collaboration

Engage in online communities related to your industry. Networking can lead to valuable partnerships and insights into market trends.

Case studies of successful online businesses

Exploring case studies of successful online businesses offers valuable insights that you can use.

26. Learning from success

Analyze the stories of successful online businesses. Highlight how they utilized digital tools and strategies effectively, focusing on aspects like innovative marketing, exceptional customer service, and niche market targeting.

27. Applying best practices

Draw actionable lessons from these success stories. Emphasize how small businesses can apply similar strategies, adapt to their unique contexts, and innovate in their respective industries.


In conclusion, integrating internet strategies is crucial for small business success digitally. Having a strong online presence, using internet marketing effectively, and the right digital tools can greatly boost business growth.

Your small business should continually adapt to changing digital trends. Analyze your online strategies and their effectiveness. And as always, be sure to remain responsive to your customers’ needs.

Embracing these strategies not only positions a business for success but also ensures sustainability in a competitive online marketplace.

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